PBCoR 4.3

PBCoR 4.3

Written by: Brian Laposa




Time to read 1 min

If you're going to carry a paddle, you may as well not carry a lie. We've covered PBCoR in detail. To be clear PBCoR is not a material property. It is a metric that the USAP made up. Outside of pickleball it has no meaning and it has very little in the sport. 

The idea that this will be printed on your paddles soon should be an insult. It is not a mistake that they will try to drive something stupid into your head with as much force as possible. They are printing this for a reason. The USAP will not publicly post their regulations for manufacturers. This rule is a joke. It will be a test for this sport without a doubt.

The huge brand the sold you a $300 paddle that got reacalled really will print anything on a paddle that's legal. It is an insult to players that a rule this faulty has even passed examination this far. You can say I'm crazy but you cannot posit one physical property of a pickleball paddle that this procedure can say it has measured with surety. PBCoR needs to go and anyone who prints this one their paddles should tell you a lot about the state of the sport. We have a duty as players to keep this sport fair for ourselves, no one else will do it for you.

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