PBCoR and the Future of Paddles - CoreTek Pickleball LLC

PBCoR and the Future of Paddles

Written by: Brian Laposa




Time to read 0 min

Ball velocity is a legitimate concern. The recent element introduction of coefficient of restitution is very worrying. This element may be used to essentially regulate paddles and materials. The question we need to be asking ourselves is not do paddles hit too hard. The question is what type of paddle design should we be building towards? There are some who are of the opinion that we have ideal designs right now. 

The element introduction ignores many dynamic factors and could exclude some of the most innovative brands from play. The above graph shows that at angles normal to pickleball play even at velocities the average, coefficient of restitution does not have a major effect on ball velocity. Only when impact velocities and angles are tailored does this metric become meaningful. 

The question is are we happy with the paddles we have now totally?

Here we show the first vibrational mode of a paddle that functions as intended. 

via Imgflip

The next image shows the springboard effect. Well notorious this mode is not necessarily always  enhancement to ball speed. Note how at the higher frequency vibration is spread more evenly throughout the paddle and handle, this is generally more stressful for the paddle itself in a material sense and results in poor feel.

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