UPA: Where There's One Paywall Expect More

UPA: Where There's One Paywall Expect More

The UPA has made membership financially beyond the means of most paddle companies. In any case the fee is so frivolous that it's an insult to pay. What does this money go towards? This company can make a lot of paddles for $100,000. We can do a lot of good things with that kind of money. 

With the technology and standards that may be implemented it's safe to bet that this level of exclusivity won't just extend to manufacturers. It will eventually like the extend down to players. In what ways this will take form we do not know. We do however think this is not a good start for an organization. There is so much innovation in this industry and variety and equipment is part of what makes this board so widely appealing. Under the interests of exclusively pro pickleball essentially everyone else has to lose because they are the consumer.

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