The PBCoR "dilemma"

Written by: Brian Laposa




Time to read 0 min

It's very significant news for the pickleball paddle industry that for the second time Joola has had their "Gen 3" paddles decertified. The angle from which the usap is coming from is also understandable. We need standards before regulations at this point. 

Trying to reintroduce standards like coefficient of restitution when in truth manufacturing variation is so wide that is probably statistically pointless to do so demonstrates how much parts of the industry would like to cling on to an old idea. 

For us the issue is clear. Anytime we avoid attempt to create a paddle that is more efficient energetically this rule would apply. And anytime you make any major change to the paddle, especially in composition and weight distribution you will get significantly different play. 

Why exactly paddlescthat are energetically effective need to be controlled we are not sure. The rationale behind this that their is a trampoline effect of paddle face compression is not proven it all.

If more panels are removed it seems likely that the next victim so to speak will be you Ronbus. The big question is will they be cooperating as every other victim has.

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