Measuring paddle consistency part 2

Measuring paddle consistency part 2

Written by: Brian Laposa




Time to read 0 min

The relationship between the standard deviation of pickleball paddle impacts (speed-to-spin ratio) and deflection can be explained using concepts of variance and linear regression.
Imagine we have data on numerous pickleball paddle impacts, where each impact is characterized by a speed-to-spin ratio and a corresponding deflection value. The standard deviation of the deflection values tells us how much the deflections vary from the average deflection for a given speed-to-spin ratio.
Here's the math behind it:
 * Variance: For each speed-to-spin ratio group, we can calculate the variance of the deflection values. The variance represents the average squared deviations from the mean deflection.
 * Linear Regression: We can perform linear regression to analyze the relationship between the speed-to-spin ratio (independent variable) and the deflection (dependent variable). This helps establish a linear equation that approximates the average deflection for a given speed-to-spin ratio.
 * Standard Deviation and Spread: A higher standard deviation of deflections for a particular speed-to-spin ratio indicates that the deflection values are more spread out around the average deflection predicted by the regression line. This implies a greater influence of the speed-to-spin ratio on deflection variability.
In essence, the standard deviation quantifies how much the deflections deviate from the expected deflection based on the speed-to-spin ratio, suggesting a correlation between the two.